Panentheism.  Revisionism.  Anarchocapitalism.



Essays by Me

Essays by Others

Process, Insight, and Empirical Method 

An Argument for the Compatibility of the Philosophies of Alfred North Whitehead and Bernard J. F. Lonergan and Its Implications for Foundational Theology.

A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of the Divinity School, The University of Chicago, for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

December 1983

Thomas Hosinski, C.S.C.


I wish to thank Don S. Browning and David Tracy for serving as readers for my dissertation.  This task called for no small investment of their time, and I am grateful for their generosity.  David Tracy’s interest in particular has meant much to me.

I am especially grateful to Langdon B. Gilkey, who served as my dissertation adviser.  No words can adequately convey my gratitude and indebtedness to him for the time, labor, and care which he so generously invested in studying and commenting on the first draft of this manuscript.  In more than one place his guidance kept my reflection from going astray, and throughout the entire process of research and writing, his advice, direction, and continuous support have been of inestimable value to me.  He has been totally selfless in sharing with me, as he does with all his students, the fruits of his wisdom, his learning, and his faith.  The experience of studying under him has a richness of depth far surpassing all ability of language to express and making it a privilege, an honor, and a joy to learn from him.  For me, he is a revelation of the most profound meaning of the name “teacher.”

Finally, I must thank my good friend and colleague, Rev. Jeffrey G. Sobosan, C.S.C., presently chairman of the Department of Theology at the University of Portland, Oregon, for his constant encouragement and support over the years it took me to bring this project to completion.  His gifts of humor, understanding, patience, wisdom, and selfless concern enrich my daily experience and have sustained me through many trying times.  His creative and sustaining presence in my life makes possible what otherwise might not be.


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