Philosophy against Misosophy
Essays by Me
Essays by Others
Essays by Me Philosophy My Philosophical Workshop Snapshot of a Philosopher Elements of a Credo How Does Onto-Theological Personalism Avoid Pantheism? Dogmatic Uncertainty "Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?" Murray Newton Rothbard: An Introduction to His Thought Reply to Francis Canavan, S.J.'s "Knowing What Is Good" Ayn Rand's Use of Retortion Review of Thom Notaro, Van Til and the Use of Evidence Philosophic Diversity and Skeptical Possibility: A Confrontation with Hegel Jürgen Habermas’s Critique of Marxism Site Update 2012 Philosophy against Misosophy (Site Update 2013) Marking a Decade (Site Update 2014) Time to Say Goodbye? (Site Update 2015) Miscellaneous My "Dialogue" with Roger Ebert on Death [May 6, 2009] When Acton Met Whitehead? [April 15, 2009] Love Your Enemies . . . As Enemies [March 26, 2009] Is Anarchy a Cause of War? Some Questions for David Ray Griffin (January 2009; Off-Site) You Cannot Fix the Economy, Mr. Obama. Just Give Ron Paul a Call. (January 17, 2009) Lord Acton: Libertarian Hero (April 4, 2006; Off-Site) In Defense of Lord Acton (January 2006) A Profound Philosophical Commonality: A Review of Thomas E. Woods, Jr., The Church and The Market: A Catholic Defense of the Free Economy (April 23, 2005; Off-Site) Neither Left Nor Right (February 2005) "Social Security": Reforming What Should Be Abolished (2005) "Redistribution": Socialism's Trojan Horse (2003) Government ID Cards (2003) Herbert Aptheker: Communist Mentor (2001; 2003) Why I Don't Vote (2000) Murray Newton Rothbard: An Introduction to His Thought Is Libertarian-Objectivist Collaboration Impossible? (1986) Letters to Murray [Rothbard], 1984 The Problem of Evil The Occurrence of Excessive, Nondisciplinary Evil Makes It Unreasonable and Irresponsible to Affirm the Existence of the God of Classical Theism. § Earthquakes and Theodicy: Six Years Later [2011] § The Idiocy of Johnson's Theodicy: A Letter to The Spectator [2005] § He Would If He Could, But He Can't So He Doesn't: A Response to Benjamin D. Wiker Followed by Dr. Wiker's Reply [2004] § Not Even a Good Neighbor, Let Alone Worthy of Worship: A Letter to The Tablet [2002] § Why Does God Permit Evil? [2004] § Is Something Good Because God Commands It? Or Does God Command It Because It Is Good? [2004] § Genocide: A Catholic Dilemma Catholic Complaints Modern Atheism: Catholicism’s Frankenstein Monster? Notes on David Ray Griffin’s Implicit Counterpoint to Thomas E. Woods (October 15, 2006) Our Deplorable Estate (2000) Two Cheers for Locke (1999) Genocide: A Catholic Dilemma (late '90s)
My Philosophical Workshop
Snapshot of a Philosopher
Elements of a Credo
How Does Onto-Theological Personalism Avoid Pantheism?
Dogmatic Uncertainty
"Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?"
Murray Newton Rothbard: An Introduction to His Thought
Reply to Francis Canavan, S.J.'s "Knowing What Is Good"
Ayn Rand's Use of Retortion
Review of Thom Notaro, Van Til and the Use of Evidence
Philosophic Diversity and Skeptical Possibility: A Confrontation with Hegel
Jürgen Habermas’s Critique of Marxism
Site Update 2012
Philosophy against Misosophy (Site Update 2013)
Marking a Decade (Site Update 2014)
Time to Say Goodbye? (Site Update 2015)
My "Dialogue" with Roger Ebert on Death [May 6, 2009]
When Acton Met Whitehead? [April 15, 2009]
Love Your Enemies . . . As Enemies [March 26, 2009]
Is Anarchy a Cause of War? Some Questions for David Ray Griffin (January 2009; Off-Site)
You Cannot Fix the Economy, Mr. Obama. Just Give Ron Paul a Call. (January 17, 2009)
Lord Acton: Libertarian Hero (April 4, 2006; Off-Site)
In Defense of Lord Acton (January 2006)
A Profound Philosophical Commonality: A Review of Thomas E. Woods, Jr., The Church and The Market: A Catholic Defense of the Free Economy (April 23, 2005; Off-Site)
Neither Left Nor Right (February 2005)
"Social Security": Reforming What Should Be Abolished (2005)
"Redistribution": Socialism's Trojan Horse (2003)
Government ID Cards (2003)
Herbert Aptheker: Communist Mentor (2001; 2003)
Why I Don't Vote (2000)
Is Libertarian-Objectivist Collaboration Impossible? (1986)
Letters to Murray [Rothbard], 1984
The Problem of Evil
The Occurrence of Excessive, Nondisciplinary Evil Makes It Unreasonable and Irresponsible to Affirm the Existence of the God of Classical Theism.
§ Earthquakes and Theodicy: Six Years Later [2011]
§ The Idiocy of Johnson's Theodicy: A Letter to The Spectator [2005]
§ He Would If He Could, But He Can't So He Doesn't: A Response to Benjamin D. Wiker Followed by Dr. Wiker's Reply [2004]
§ Not Even a Good Neighbor, Let Alone Worthy of Worship: A Letter to The Tablet [2002]
§ Why Does God Permit Evil? [2004]
§ Is Something Good Because God Commands It? Or Does God Command It Because It Is Good? [2004]
§ Genocide: A Catholic Dilemma
Catholic Complaints
Modern Atheism: Catholicism’s Frankenstein Monster? Notes on David Ray Griffin’s Implicit Counterpoint to Thomas E. Woods (October 15, 2006)
Our Deplorable Estate (2000)
Two Cheers for Locke (1999)
Genocide: A Catholic Dilemma (late '90s)