Quantcast James A. Sadowsky


Panentheism.  Revisionism.  Anarchocapitalism.



Essays by Me

Essays by Others


From Whose Togas I Dangle


James A. Sadowsky, S.J.


December 28, 1923 - September 7, 2012


Click here for biographical information


In acknowledging the sources of my philosophical education, I confessed that 

Another dear friend (and fellow Rothbardian) since 1983 has acquainted me with the merci-less criticism that an academic home provides: James A. Sa-dowsky, SJ, Professor Emeri-tus, Fordham University. As one of the institutionally home-less, I am a better philosopher for having sparred with him of-ten, sometimes weekly, over the years.

I never feel I have reached a defensible position until I have found words that swat the Sadowskyan mite who squirts in my mind's ear devastating refutations of my cherished positions––even if those words cannot overturn the opinion of the man himself.  

It is a pleasure for me to bring to the attention of others a sampling of Father Sadowsky's writings.  May this token of gratitude for decades of friendship and instruction generate greater interest in this creative philosophical theologian and pioneering libertarian theorist.

Anthony Flood 

November 22, 2004

Philosophical Theology

Economics and Social Thought
