Panentheism.  Revisionism.  Anarchocapitalism.



Essays by Me

Essays by Others


Prefatory Note to Susanne K. Langer

The Practice of Philosophy 

Henry Holt and Company, 1930


Alfred North Whitehead 

This book contains an admirable short exposition of the aims, methods, and actual achievements of philosophy.  Each chapter takes the form of a discussion of some question which must—or, at least, should—be in the mind of any student entering upon a course of philosophical reasoning.  Some of the conclusions may be controversial, but the book is admirably clear, and those who disagree can form an exact estimate of the reasons for their dissent.  Thus the book serves the purpose of a philosophical introduction and of an exercise in philosophical thought.  I have read the book with great interest. 

September, 1929

Posted April 17, 2008

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