Where one man sorts out his thoughts in public



Essays by Me

Essays by Others


Frank van Dun (b. 1947) studied law and philosophy at the University of Ghent.  He began his career as a researcher at the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (Brussels), where he worked on the foundation of logic. 

In 1974 he became a teaching and research assistant at the Seminary of General Jurisprudence of the Law Faculty of the University of Ghent

In 1982 he obtained the degree of Geaggre-geerde voor het Hoger Onderwijs in de rechtsfilosofie en de rechtstheorie, having publicly defended his dissertation which was published in 1983 in Antwerp as Het Funda-menteel rechtsbeginsel. Een essay over de grondslagen van het recht [The Fundamental Principle of Rights: An Essay on the Founda-tions of Law].

In 1986 he joined the Law Faculty of Uni-versiteit Maastricht, to teach and do research in the fields of philosophy of law, logic, history of ideas, law and econo-mics and fiscal theory.  He is the author of De Utopische Verleiding (with Hans Crombag, Amsterdam 1997) and Mens, Burger, Fiscus (Maastricht, 2000). [The foregoing was taken from the Law Faculty of Universiteit Maastricht website.]

In 2007, Professor van Dun published his first novel In the Shadow of the Prodigy [2007].



Frank van Dun

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