Where one man sorts out his thoughts in public
Frank van Dun (b. 1947) studied law and philosophy at the University of Ghent. He began his career as a researcher at the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (Brussels), where he worked on the foundation of logic. In 1974 he became a teaching and research assistant at the Seminary of General Jurisprudence of the Law Faculty of the University of Ghent. In 1982 he obtained the degree of Geaggre-geerde voor het Hoger Onderwijs in de rechtsfilosofie en de rechtstheorie, having publicly defended his dissertation which was published in 1983 in Antwerp as Het Funda-menteel rechtsbeginsel. Een essay over de grondslagen van het recht [The Fundamental Principle of Rights: An Essay on the Founda-tions of Law]. In 1986 he joined the Law Faculty of Uni-versiteit Maastricht, to teach and do research in the fields of philosophy of law, logic, history of ideas, law and econo-mics and fiscal theory. He is the author of De Utopische Verleiding (with Hans Crombag, Amsterdam 1997) and Mens, Burger, Fiscus (Maastricht, 2000). [The foregoing was taken from the Law Faculty of Universiteit Maastricht website.] In 2007, Professor van Dun published his first novel In the Shadow of the Prodigy [2007].