Pearl Harbor after a Quarter of a Century
Harry Elmer Barnes
II: Roosevelt’s Policies Prior to
Pearl Harbor
“. . . Roosevelt . . . had frequently promised that we
would not enter any war unless attacked, but the ABCD agreement and the
associated war plans were based on the pledge to make war if the
situation so demanded without an attack on the United States. At first,
this did not worry Roosevelt too much, for he fully expected that Hitler
would provide provocative action on the Atlantic in response to illegal
American procedure in convoying war materials to Britain and later to
Russia. When this did not eventuate and it appeared that Japan would be
the actual opponent, it became essential for Roosevelt to do all
possible to assure that Japan would provide the indispensable attack
that was needed to unite the American people behind him in war. To
bring this about it appeared necessary to prevent the Hawaiian
commanders from taking any defensive action which would deter the
Japanese from attacking
Harbor which, of necessity, had to be a surprise attack.”
—Harry Elmer Barnes
this article is to be devoted mainly to explaining why and how Pearl
Harbor was surprised on December 7, 1941, we can provide only a very
brief summary of
basic foreign policies and diplomatic actions which bear directly upon
this problem.
was chiefly concerned with the planning and operation of his New Deal
domestic policy down to 1937, even to 1939, but he did not forget
armament and possible war, even diverting NRA funds to finance naval
expansion, chiefly directed against
Japan. In early January, 1933, even before he had been
inaugurated, and against the urgings of Raymond Moley and Rexford G.
Tugwell, he had accepted as the basis of his policy toward Japan the
bellicose altitude of Henry L. Stimson which would have led the United
States into war with Japan in 1932 or 1933 had Stimson not been checked
by President Hoover’s firm stand for peace, a situation explained to me
in detail by former President Hoover.
his domestic policy struck reverses and hard sledding Roosevelt turned to foreign policy with aggressive implications.
The first such trend appeared following the rebuff to his main
political measures in Congress in 1937, as well as the sharp economic
recession that began in the Summer of 1937. It produced the inciting
quarantine doctrine of his
Chicago Bridge Speech of October 5, 1937. With the outbreak of
war in Europe in September, 1939, his aggressive foreign policy
continued unceasingly until the attack on
Harbor. Roosevelt’s attempt to purge a no longer docile Congress
in the election of 1938 proved an ignominious failure, and the New Deal
appeared to be in a permanent slump. It obviously had not solved the
depression. Nor had the increasing expenditures for armament succeeded
in providing full prosperity.
war broke out in Europe in early September, 1939, this gave Roosevelt an ominous impulse and continuous inspiration. The war
had hardly begun when, on September 11th, Roosevelt wrote Churchill,
then only First Lord of the Admiralty, suggesting that they work
together through a secret system of communication: “What I want you and
the Prime Minister to know is that I shall at all times welcome it, if
you will keep me in touch personally with anything you want me to know
about. You can always send sealed letters through your pouch or my
pouch.” Churchill is said to have responded enthusiastically, including
the statement: “I am half American and the natural person to work with
you. It is evident that we see eye to eye. Were I to become Prime
Minister of
Britain we could control the world.” A method of secret
communication was agreed upon in which Roosevelt would sign himself
“Potus” (President of the
United States), and Churchill would sign as “Former Naval Person.”
About 2000 messages were exchanged in this way prior to Pearl Harbor,
and Churchill is our authority for the statement that the really
important negotiations and agreements between Britain and the United
States from 1939 to Pearl Harbor were handled in this way, all quite
unknown to the American public.
has since become obvious that while Roosevelt was assuring this country
of his peaceful aims he was also actually doing all possible in
cooperation with Churchill to get us into war as soon as practicable.
In addition to other sources, I have this information personally from
Tyler Kent, the code clerk in the American embassy in
London, who read all of this material from September, 1939, to
the time of his arrest in May, 1941. Two telegrams that have been
recovered from this secret correspondence, indicate the tenor and
objectives of their collaboration. Roosevelt told Churchill that the
United States was firmly isolationist and could not be induced to enter
the war in behalf of
Poland. Churchill responded: “Every chain has its weakest spot
and the weak link in the Axis chain is
Japan. Goad
into attacking the U. S. and you will have the
U. S. in the war.” While this proved to be the strategy
followed by
it is unlikely that the policy originated with Churchill.
Professor William L. Neumann has made clear in his America Encounters
Japan (pp. 235-230) this plan to enter a war with Japan, even to provoke
Japan to war, was opposed by the overwhelming mass of the
American people in the late 1930’s. Even the annual conventions of the
American Legion in 1937 and 1938 demanded “absolute neutrality.” The
Veterans of Foreign Wars started a campaign to secure 25 million
signatures for a petition to “Keep
America out of War.” Even the
Ludlow Resolution requiring a national referendum on the
declaration of war only failed of passage because of the tremendous
pressure exerted by
Roosevelt through influential public figures.
the strong American isolationist sentiment, Roosevelt never really gave
up hope of getting the
United States into the war after October, 1937, first and directly in
until at least the end of July, 1941. During the spring and summer of
1941 he did everything possible to provoke Germany and Italy to produce
some “act of war” in Europe or on the Atlantic that he could use to get
the United States into the European conflict, especially through our
illegal convoying of munitions and supplies to Britain and Russia, but
neither Germany nor Italy would rise to the bait. He had not, however,
neglected the possibility of war with Japan. The extensive and quasi-secret increases in the American
navy after 1933 obviously pointed the finger at
Japan. As far back as the winter of 1937-1938 he had sent
Captain Royal E. Ingersoll to Europe to discuss with the English the
possibilities of collaboration in the event of war with
Japan. In January, 1941, Roosevelt and
Hull rejected the amazingly generous Japanese effort to settle
Japanese-American relations by peaceful methods presented by a
commission with full Japanese authorization. The rebuff of this really
sensational overture from
seriously undermined the hope of the latter in arriving at a peaceful
settlement with the United States, but the effort was continued for over ten months. Japan
offered to retire from the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis in return for a
guaranty of peace with the United States.
Roosevelt had campaigned in 1940 on the basis of promising to keep the
United States out of war, he quickly reversed his position. In January,
1941, he sent Harry Hopkins to
London to confer with Churchill.
Hopkins informed the latter that:
The President is determined that we shall win the war
together. Make no mistake about it.
has sent me here to tell you that at all costs and by all means he will
carry you through, no matter what happens to him—there is nothing that
we will not do so far as he has human power.
were also quickly made for joint-staff conferences with the British to
arrange a plan for military collaboration: ABC-1. These were held in
Washington from January through March, 1941. In April, another
conference was held in
Singapore, and this time the Dutch were included to provide for a
triangular arrangement: ADB. Combined, they came to be known as the
ABCD agreement. The Singapore ADB provided that, if the Japanese moved
southward beyond an arbitrary line—100’ East and 10’ North—or even
threatened to attack British or Dutch possessions in the Southwest
Pacific, the United States would join them in war against the Japanese
even though the Japanese did not attack American possessions, forces or
the basis of this ABCD agreement, the American military services drew up
a general war plan known as Rainbow 5, also usually called WPL 46 when
used to describe the Navy basic war plan. WPPac46, the U. S. Pacific
fleet coordinating plan, governed Admiral Kimmel’s operations. These
were promulgated in April, 1941, and orally approved by Roosevelt in May and June. Admiral Harold R. Stark, Chief of Naval
Operations, informed his leading commanders that it was no longer a
question of whether the United States would be involved in war but only
one of when and where. This ABCD agreement and the resulting war plans
greatly extended the range of possible provocations to war and provided
the first important impulse that led some American military leaders,
especially after July, 1941, to consider the likelihood that war might
break out in the southwest Pacific rather than by an attack on
Harbor. It thus fatally blurred the basic assumption in our
Pacific naval strategy which had long been based on the probability that
the Japanese would first attack the Pacific fleet to protect their flank
before making extensive military movements in the
Far East.
ABCD agreement also exposed
to the possibility of serious political embarrassment. He had
frequently promised that we would not enter any war unless attacked, but
the ABCD agreement and the associated war plans were based on the pledge
to make war if the situation so demanded without an attack on the United
first, this did not worry Roosevelt too much, for he fully expected that
Hitler would provide provocative action on the Atlantic in response to
illegal American procedure in convoying war materials to Britain and
later to Russia. When this did not eventuate and it appeared that Japan
would be the actual opponent, it became essential for Roosevelt to do
all possible to assure that Japan would provide the indispensable attack
that was needed to unite the American people behind him in war. To
bring this about it appeared necessary to prevent the Hawaiian
commanders from taking any defensive action which would deter the
Japanese from attacking Pearl Harbor which, of necessity, had to be a
surprise attack.
March to November, 1941,
encouraged Secretary of State Hull to stall the obviously ardent desire
of the Japanese, based on self-interest, to arrive at a reasonable and
peaceful settlement of Japanese-American relations. By the latter part
of July, Roosevelt had about given up hope of getting an act of war from
Germany or
Italy, and decided to increase pressure on
Japan which would make war virtually certain. On July 25th-26th
he froze all Japanese assets in the
States and soon placed an embargo on trade with
in which the British and Dutch followed suit, thus facing
Japan with economic strangulation unless she could get supplies
from the southwest Pacific area, presumably by force.
authorities, especially Admirals Stark and Richmond Kelley Turner, chief
of Naval War Plans, recognized that this would force
Japan to move rapidly into this forbidden region to secure vital
materials which had been placed under an embargo by the ABCD countries.
General George C. Marshall, Army Chief of Staff, and Stark sent notices
to American commanders in leading outposts that they should take this
situation and outlook into serious consideration.
was a second factor which led many of the top military brass in
Washington to shift some of their attention from the traditional Pacific
strategy based on a probable Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, even in
the face of the Bomb Plot intercepts after September, 1941, which
clearly pointed to Pearl Harbor as the first Japanese target. War might
start in the
Far East.
It also helps to account for the fact that the lower or operating units
in Army Intelligence and the Signal Corps and in Navy Intelligence and
Communications at Washington, who were less fully informed on the partly
secret top strategic commitments of ABCD and Rainbow 5 and were devoted
to studying the current facts, remained insistent that due attention
should be given to the threat to Pearl Harbor and that the Hawaiian
commanders should be fully warned of the Japanese menace.
August 9-12, 1941, Roosevelt met with Churchill at Argentia, off the coast
Newfoundland, and arranged the details of entering the second World War
through the backdoor of a war with
Japan. Churchill wished immediate war but Roosevelt insisted on
having at least three months to “baby” the Japanese along so as to have
more time to get ready for war, to allow Russia to take more heat off
Britain, and to extend the possibility that Germany or Italy would still
provide an act of war on the Atlantic, now that Russia was at war with
Germany. These aggressive moves were disguised to the American public
by issuing a high-sounding but morally deceptive Atlantic Charter,
actually only a press release, the terms of which had been violated
before the ink was dry on the document; indeed, by actions before the
meeting at Argentia.
official adoption of the “back door” policy and strategy at Argentia
produced a powerful impulse to the top military brass to shift their
primary concern to
and the Far East. Stark had previously been assuring Kimmel that
Germany was our main enemy and that Roosevelt did not wish to get
into a two-front war, involving both
Germany and
Japan. It was now apparent that, if necessary, Roosevelt
intended to provoke
in the Far East and that the
United States would enter the war in this manner. Immediately on his
return from Newfoundland, Roosevelt, with the approval of Churchill,
called in the Japanese ambassador to the United States, Admiral
Kichisaburo Nomura, and administered to him an unprovoked and gratuitous
tongue-lashing that even Stimson regarded as an ultimatum. This was
done to undermine the Japanese peace party that was still in office, and
to strengthen the war party. This aim was fully accomplished when
Roosevelt and Hull unceremoniously brushed off the impressive effort of
Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoye of Japan to reach a final peaceful
adjustment with the United States, including meeting Roosevelt at any
reasonable designated spot and accepting in advance the “four
principles” that Hull had announced in April, 1941, as the required
basis of a peaceful settlement of Far Eastern problems with Japan.
was replaced as premier by General Hideki Tojo on October 16, 1941.
Even the Tojo government offered terms of settlement in November which
protected all legitimate American interests in the Far East, but
Roosevelt and Hull rejected these, threw over the temporary modus
vivendi that General Marshall and Admiral Stark wished in order to
complete adequate plans for a Pacific war, and sent to Japan on November
26 an ultimatum which Hull frankly announced took our relations with
Japan out of the realm of diplomacy and placed them in the hands of the
military: Roosevelt and Secretaries Stimson and Knox. It was recognized
by the Washington authorities, who were reading the Japanese diplomatic
messages in the Purple code, that this would mean war when the Japanese
replied to
Hull. Steps were taken to insure that the Hawaiian commanders,
General Walter C. Short and Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, would not be
forewarned of any impending Japanese attack at
Pearl Harbor.
we shall be mentioning the problem of warning Short and Kimmel, it may
be well here to clear up some elementary details. The overall
protection of the Hawaiian District, including
Pearl Harbor,
was entrusted to General Short as commander-in-chief of the Hawaiian
District. Cooperating with him was Admiral Claude C. Bloch, commander
of the Fourteenth Naval District. His function was to protect the
Pearl Harbor
naval base. The Naval Communications Intelligence staff, headed by
Commander Joseph J. Rochefort, was nominally under the control of
Admiral Bloch. Admiral Kimmel was commander-in-chief of the Pacific
fleet and the supreme naval authority at Pearl Harbor. His duties were primarily strategic and related to
preparing naval hardware and personnel for controlling the mid-Pacific
and, if necessary, moving the fleet both to protect Pearl Harbor and to
wage war in accordance with orders from
Washington based on WPL 46. Important communications from General
Marshall, such as warnings of an attack, were sent directly to General
Short. Similarly, such warnings from Admiral Stark were sent directly
to Admiral Kimmel, who had his own Fleet Intelligence service.
Communications from
Washington relative to the protection of the Hawaiian naval base at
Pearl Harbor
were normally sent to Admiral Bloch.
It has
been maintained by some critics that Roosevelt was one of the most determined war-mongers of all history.
This is a needless overstatement. It is nearer to the truth to state
that in his foreign policy
Roosevelt was one of the more notable opportunists in the historical
record. Churchill may have been an opportunist on domestic policies,
but he was consistent in being a partisan of the war.
Assistant Secretary of Navy under Woodrow Wilson, Roosevelt was an
ardent interventionist in regard to the first World War, and later was a
strong supporter of the
League of Nations. In 1932, he repudiated the League to get the support of
Hearst, which was indispensable if he were to win the Democratic
nomination. In his campaign of 1936, he described our folly in entering
the first World War and questioned
Wilson’s wisdom in leading us into it. After the 1936 election,
when at Buenos Aires, he condemned nations that maintained prosperity
through an armament economy, but by early 1939 he had adopted precisely
this program to bolster the New Deal and assure himself a third term.
this time until Pearl Harbor
followed a combined policy of announcing peaceful intentions while
planning for war. He informed the American public that he was
determined to keep the peace. He told Churchill that he would bring the
United States into the war as soon as possible without going so rapidly
as to upset their whole plan. His diplomacy all during 1941 was
provocative of war, involving this country both in Europe and the
Far East, while he was assuring the American public that everything
he did was “short of war” and designed to keep us out of war. This
brief review provides the essential background against which we must
view the developments leading to the attack on
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