Essays by Me
Essays by Others
Independent Scholar
Hugh Murray
Hugh Murray, a son of New Orleans (b. 1938), is a widely
published independent historian with a special interest in the Civil Rights Movement
in which he participated. His
involvement was noted in The Congressional Record for February
27, 2017.

Jerome Smith, a 21-year-old Hugh Murray,
and others integrate
Woolworth's counter during first New Orleans sit-in, September 9, 1960,
(Below: same scene from a different angle.)

A sit-in at Woolworth's undertaken by the
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), September 9, 1960. Seated left
to right: Jerome Smith; Ruth Despenza; Joyce Taylor; Hugh Murray; Archie
Allen; William Harrell.
All were arrested.
“We were all convicted of a felony,” Murray says, “and it took
several years for the New Orleans sit-in cases to reach the U.S.
Supreme Court, where the charges were thrown out.” (Murray, email to
Flood, August 2, 2012)
At Tulane University, where his papers are
now deposited, Murray wrote his Master's thesis on the Scottsboro Case.
For its documentary,
Scottsboro: An American Tragedy,
Public Broadcasting Service suggested three of his essays
"For Further Reading." All three are available on this site. (See
bibliography below.) The
Study Guide for The Scottsboro Boys,
the Broadway musical that opened at New York's Lyceum Theater on
October 31, 2010, quotes twice (on page 16) from Murray's 1967 paper,
"The NAACP versus the Communist Party: The Scottsboro Rape Cases,
1931-1932, text of which is also
available on this site.

in the summer of 1960, Hugh Murray (above, right) and others were
trained in the strategy and tactics of non-violent civil
disobedience by Martin Luther King, Jr. (below) and
other civil rights leaders (inclu-ding Jackie Robinson) at the
Prince George Motel in Miami. Murray recalls the
here. [Photo scans courtesy of Hugh Murray.-A.F.]

Murray has taught at six universities: Dillard,
Sou-thern, Edinburgh, Martin Luther, Leipzig, and Hebei Normal University
in Shijiazhuang (the capital of Hebei Province).
essays, reviews, and letters have
appeared in many scholarly and popular periodicals,* including
letter in the December 2006 Journal
of American History critical of Professor Anthony S. Chen's "The
Hitlerian Rule of Quotas" (JAH March 2006), to which Chen
replies. (See also his
"Some Are More Equal Than Others," his
long review of Chen's The Fifth Freedom.)
He related his experience of "affirmative action"
in a letter to
Commentary in
1991. Visit
his blog.
Hugh and I worked for
Herbert Aptheker on his several Du Bois projects in the early
1970s, it is a pleasure for me to provide this venue for his
rich scholarship, something I doubt he'll ever get around to doing
Anthony Flood
November 11, 2008
(Updated August 2, 2012)
NAACP versus the Communist Party: The Scottsboro Rape Cases, 1931-1932.
28, No. 3 (3rd Qtr., 1967).
Aspects of the Scottsboro Campaign.
Science &
Society, 35:2, Summer 1971, 177-192.
The Green and the Red
Unblending: The National Association for Irish Freedom, 1972-1975.
Journal of Ethnic Studies, 3:2, Summer 1975.
Changing America and the Changing Image of Scottsboro.
Phylon, Vol. 38, No.
1 (1st Qtr., 1977).
The Struggle for Civil Rights in New
Orleans in 1960: Reflections and Recollections.
Journal of Ethnic
Studies, 6:1, Spring 1978.
Change in the
South, Journal of Ethnic Studies, Summer 1988.
Science, Reason, and
the German Utopia, Journal of Unconventional History, Fall 1989.
Affirmative Action
and the Elite War against White Males, The Barnes Review,
Jul-Aug 2004.
Affirmative Action and
the Nazis: Or: Why Liber-als
Cannot Understand a
[2000](Rejected by Telos and others in the late '90s, but online
here since 2004)
Who's to Blame for the Affirmative Action Fia-sco?,
The Barnes Review, Nov-Dec 2001.
White Male Privilege? A Social
Construct for Po-litical Oppression,
Journal of Libertarian Studies, Winter 1998-99. [Off-site]
Zionist-Nazi Connection. Review of
Francis R. Nicosia,
The Third Reich and the
Palestine Question.
New German Critique, Number 42,
Fall 1987.
DuBois and the Cold War. Review of Gerald Horne, W. E. B. DuBois
and the Afro-American Response to the Cold War, 1944-1963. Journal
of Ethnic Studies, 15:3, Fall 1987.
Robeson: A Perspective. Review of Martin Bauml Duberman, Paul
Robeson. Journal of Ethnic Studies, 18:2, Summer 1990.
Science. Review-essay on Robert Proctor, Racial
Hygiene: Medicine Under the Nazis;
Müller-Hill, Murderous Science: Elimina-tion by Scientific Selection of
Jews, Gypsies, and Others,
and Robert Jay Lifton, The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the
Psychology of Genocide.
Polity, Vol. XXII, No. 3, Spring 1990.
Review of Zygmund Bauman, Modernity and the Holocaust
in German Politics & Society, Spring 1991.
The Case against
Affirmative Action. Review of Gertrude Ezorsky,
Racism and Justice: The Case for Affirmative
93, Fall 1992.
From Equal
Opportunity to Preferential Treat-ment.
Review of
Hugh Davis Graham, The Civil Rights Era: Origins and Development of
National Policy, 1960-1972. Over Here: Reviews in American
Studies (Nottingham), Winter 1992.
Sean Dennis Cashman, African-Americans and the Quest for
Civil Rights, 1900-1990. Journal of Mississippi History,
February 1993.
The Road to Olympism.
Review of
Review of Allen Guttman, The Olympics: A History of the Modern Games. From The Virginia Quarterly
Review, 69:2, Spring 1993.
Race and
Social Science. Review-essay on Ste-phen
Steinberg, Turning Back: The Retreat from Racial Justice in American
Thought and Policy; Todd Gitlin, The Twilight of Common Dreams: Why
America is Wracked by Culture Wars; and Dinesh D’Souza, The End of
Racism: Principles for a Multiracial Society. Telos 105,
Fall 1995.
Race: An Ivory
Tower View.
Review of Stephen Steinberg,
Turning Back: The Retreat from Racial
Justice in American Thought and Policy.
Journal of Social History, 30:2, Winter 1996.
From Communist Policy to
“Affirmative Action”. Review of
Ofari Hutchinson, Blacks and Reds: Race and Class in Conflict,
1919-1990. Telos, Number 108, Summer 1996.
A Quaker Activist.
of Jervis Anderson, Bayard Rustin: Troubles I’ve Seen, A Biography.
Virginia Quarterly Review, Winter 1998, 185-190.
The Affirmative Action Hoax:
Another View. Review of Steven
Farron's The Affirmative Action Hoax. American Renaissance,
May 2006. Critical of Thomas Jackson's review in the January 2006
issue of that periodical.
Are More Equal Than Others.
Review of
S. Chen. The Fifth Freedom: Jobs, Politics, and Civil Rights in the
United States, 1941-1972. Princeton University Press, 2009.
Chronicle of Higher
Education, December 8, 1995 [the
Man March”]
New York Times, February 23, 1994
[the Nation of Islam's ties to fascism]
January 1991 [affirmative action]
The American Historical Review,
Vol. 101, No. 1, February 1996 [Scottsboro]
The American Historical Review,
Vol. 107, No. 1, February 2002
* E.g., American Historical Review, American Scholar, Barnes Review,
Chronicles, Florida Historical Quarterly, Georgia Historical Quarterly,
German Politics & Society, Journal of American History, Journal of Ethnic
Studies, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Journal of Mississippi History,
Labor History, Louisiana History, New German Critique, New York Times, New
York Times Book Review, Over Here:
Reviews in American Studies, Phylon, Polity, Science & Society,
Virginia Quarterly Review, and Telos.